Wellbeings Equine Holistic Medicine LLC
Eustis, Florida USA
Wellbeings Equine Holistic Medicine is owned and operated by Vasiliki Harvey DVM, CVA, CVMMP. Wellbeings is a mobile equine veterinary acupuncture and spinal manipulation practice and is operated as an "by appointment or referral only" equine veterinary service.

Equine Services
Hours are Monday-Friday from 9:00am - 3:00pm.
Dr. Harvey will come to your farm by appointment.
Acupuncture (dry needle, electro-acupuncture, aqua-acupuncture, hemo-acupuncture, moxabustion, cold laser).
Low level light laser therapy
Equine Veterinary Medical Manipulation (aka chiropractic), fascia work.
TCVM general/follow-up wellness exams.
Chinese Herbal perscriptions.
All other equine veterinary needs must be taken care of by your regular attending horse doctor guru.

Cost of Standard Services
Initial TCVM exam - $75.00
Complete evaluation and treatment
Equine TCVM evaluation, gait analysis, acupuncture scan, cranial nerve exam, motion palpation of all joints, axial and appendicular. Acupuncture & spinal/skeletal manipulation/adjustment: $250.00
Exam with Acupuncture - $188.00
Exam with Spinal Manipulation Only - $160.00
Exam with aqua-acupuncture or laser treatment only - $100.00
Doctors travel time compensation
Trip fees are calculated by doctors time spent in transit and costs incurred (hotel, airfare, meals...).
0-30 minutes ~ $45
30-45 minutes ~ $55
45-60 minutes ~ $70
1hr+ ~ $80 + $20 per every additional 15 minute block of time spent.
> 1hr traveled with multiple owners are $80/owner not including overnight stay expenses or airfare.
I accept cash, checks and all credit cards processed at site or securely on this website just click "pay my bill" or "buy now".

Areas Serviced
Greater Orlando, Florida area - Weekly
Wellington - Palm Beach, Florida areas* - Monthly. Text for availability.
Jacksonville area ~ By appointment.
Gainesville, Florida area* - By appointment.
*Please e-mail or text a reservation well ahead of time for each area so I can get you on my "to-visit" list for that month. If you can haul in to an area that I visit, I may be able to have you bring your horse to a farm that I am working at. Contact for details.
Haul-in of your horse to my farm in Eustis is available.

Other Services
Small animal consultations
Mammals, Birds, Reptiles. Must be associated with a farm visit. No house calls.( I have terrific referrals if you need one! ) Holistic and complete physical exams.
Dr. Harvey is available for speaking arrangements and article contributions.